Tuesday, January 25, 2011



I personally can’t stand undercooked green beans — they’re too squeaky for my taste. This is how my family likes them, first boiled and then sautéed in butter with salt. Although fresh green beans are best when in season, frozen beans are perfectly good, made that much better when fried in butter.

  •     ½     lb. green beans, topped and tailed, or “French-cut” frozen green beans
  •     2     Tbsp. unsalted butter
  •     ~     Kosher salt to taste

   1. In a medium-large pot of salted water cook the green beans until tender; drain in a colander. In the same pot, melt the butter over medium heat, and return the beans to the pot. Add a pinch of salt and stir-fry the beans over medium-high heat until the moisture has evaporated from the beans and they are falling apart and a bit wrinkled. Serve hot. enjooy!!

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